Changes for

For more than fifteen years, to all who looked, has exposed and explained the many happenings of the Rotorua Black Powder Club. It has been an interesting and rewarding journey for me despite the minute and spasmodic reader input and almost zero feed back on anything I have posted.

Now, as I am no longer on the RBPC Committee, and obviously no longer privy to all that makes the club tick, it is no longer feasible for me to continue with the website and it is being reduced to just convey the bare minimum of information and to provide a few essential services.

This website has served as a useful tool for club administration, to tell the world that RBPC exists, has available to all an open buy and sell platform and in the past few years provided a sub site for the NZ Black Powder Shooters Federation’s web pages.

Robert B has been a great Secretary/Treasurer, easy to work with and readily used the online forms and data the website provided. Tim D has been a great help in the running the Trading Post and Grant S has been in charge of the nzblackpowder site. Both these last sections will continue to be supported by until alternative arrangements can be made and the new (2025) RBPC Committee will adopt different ways of communicating club news. (now (08/01/25), see changes shown below).

To those who contributed, said please or thank you or ever said they found the website important, I say “thank you and best wishes” as we look forward to a new chapter in the promotion of our sport and the running of our club.

David B

5 January 2025

The Rotorua Black Powder Club now has a new website (from  08/01/2025). Please go to: . Most current Trading Post items have been unlifted by and can be viewed on the new website.

For information about the New Zealand Black Powder Shooters Federation and to go to their website… click here .